By Luise Russell, Senior Coordinator Endocrinology, Perth Children's Hospital
Due to COVID-19, Perth Children’s Hospital’s Diabetes Service has been offering care to our families using video calls and, in some cases, by telephone. This was an important step to take to protect our patients and their families, the diabetes team and the wider WA community from coronavirus. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we converted to this method and technology.
With COVID-19 currently under control in WA we are however, beginning to plan for a return to best practice face-to-face care in clinics in the coming months. This will apply to regular diabetes and speciality diabetes technology clinics held at PCH. Diabetes clinics usually offered in group formats will also be suitably modified.
For our families in outer metropolitan locations or regions, please be aware that a designated Diabetes Service team is working closely with our outer-metro and regional partners and carefully monitoring flight schedules to ensure that we can also return to these sites to care for your child and family by August. Some variations may, however, be necessary.
From approximately July, all families will receive appointment letters that reinstate face-to-face appointments in early August. Please be reassured that we have a local team monitoring and responding to recommendations form the Health Department in relation to COVID-19 and that you will be updated if changes to this plan are necessary.
In addition, there will be some new standard screening and clinic processes introduced that are designed to protect us all. These will be outlined in the appointment letters and be visible at the hospital or location where your child is seen.
If you have any comments regarding this plan, please contact Luise Russell via email or contact the Department on 6456 1111 and follow the prompts to the Diabetes Outpatient Clerk.
We look forward to seeing you all again in clinic soon!