It is important to make sure your school has an up-to-date diabetes management plan now that school has begun.
Adele Connor, Diabetes in Schools Program Clinical Nurse Specialist at Perth Children’s Hospital, said a student's diabetes management plan was an essential document that guided how schools could support students with type 1 diabetes to learn and participate fully at school.
Credentialled diabetes nurse educator Daina Coenen, who job shares the Diabetes in Schools Program role with Ms Connor, said the $6 million national program was designed to ease the strain on families by helping to ensure that principals, teachers, and school staff had the support, training, and tools they needed to support students with type 1 diabetes at school.
“Principals are able to make a request for skills-based training for any student with type 1 diabetes who needs support at school, via the Diabetes in Schools website,” she said.
“It’s also a good idea to plan ahead for training for school camps as many camps take place in Term 2.”
Diabetes Management Plans are available to download from:
Once complete, please email it to for signing by your clinical team.
Photo (L-R): Adele Connor and Daina Coenen.