“I’m done with diabetes!”
“It doesn’t matter what I do, nothing works!”
“I don’t care anymore!”
Have you experienced these thoughts or feelings? If so, you or your child may be experiencing diabetes burnout.
According to Kath Irwine, Clinical Nurse/Diabetes Educator at Perth Children’s Hospital, diabetes burnout is a state in which someone with diabetes grows tired of managing their condition, may ignore it for a period or become disengaged with diabetes management.
She said symptoms of diabetes burnout included feeling:
- Overwhelmed, frustrated, or angry about diabetes.
- That diabetes is controlling your life.
- Like you’re alone in managing your diabetes.
- Unmotivated to perform diabetes management-related actions like checking blood glucose levels or giving insulin before each meal.
PCH Clinical Nurse/Diabetes Educator Beth Wright says most people with type 1 diabetes will experience burnout at some point in their life.
“We understand that type 1 diabetes is a 24/7, 365 days/year condition with no holidays or days off,” she says.
“JDRF Australia has developed a great graphic on coping strategies (pictured) for managing diabetes burnout – it’s important to remember to set realistic expectations and not be too hard on yourself.”
Stella Rose, a Diabetes Social Worker at PCH, says diabetes health professionals are well equipped to recognise and support people experiencing diabetes burnout.
“Your diabetes healthcare team is there to help you with all aspects of your diabetes, including how you feel about it,” she says.
“If you feel comfortable, share your feelings with them and they will give you non-judgmental support and advice.”
Graphic: Courtesy JDRF Australia