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DiabHQ Patient Portal update

The DiabHQ Patient Portal App is coming soon!

We are very excited to let you know that the DiabHQ Patient Portal App will soon be available to WA children and families living with type 1 diabetes.

What’s in the app?

The app has been co-designed with consumers and includes a range of functions to support diabetes management, such as:

  • Access to validated resources and advanced search capabilities;
  • View upcoming appointment details;
  • View health data and pathology results;
  • Log triage support requests;
  • Receive notifications including appointment reminders and information about upcoming trials;
  • Share information and resources.

Diabhq app example

How can I access the app?

Users will be progressively invited to download and start using the app from early 2025. To be invited, you will need to have provided consent to participate in DiabHQ1. Please speak to your clinical team next time you’re in clinic to make sure that you are eligible.

If you’d like to be considered for early access to the app, please register by emailing us at

How can I be involved in the DiabHQ project?

We’re looking for new members to join the DiabHQ Consumer Reference Group (CRG) to help shape the DiabHQ digital diabetes platform as development continues in 2025. The voice of the consumer is integral to all aspects of the project and as members of the CRG, you will have the opportunity to provide input to this cutting-edge digital project. Members are compensated for their time. If you’d like more information about the DiabHQ CRG, please email us at

1DiabHQ an innovative new digital platform that is set to transform diabetes care by unlocking the power of data to accelerate research and drive improvements in clinical care and self-management. It includes customised portals for three different user groups – patients and families, clinicians and researchers.