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Wellbeing study needs you!

Young people are needed for a new Children's Diabetes Centre research study that aims to improve the mental health of teens with type 1 diabetes.

Young people are needed for a new Children's Diabetes Centre research study that aims to improve the mental health of teens with type 1 diabetes.

Study lead Leanne Fried said the project was based on the principles of Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT).

“ACT helps teens to understand their minds better, learn to accept what they can't control, step aside and watch their thoughts, and do things in line with what they value,” she said.

“The aim of the project is to see how well teens respond to a six-week ACT intervention and to help us design a bigger study to improve the mental health of teens with type 1 diabetes.”

During the study, participants aged 12 to 14 years will be randomly placed in one of two groups.

Group one will be asked to attend six weekly group sessions (6pm to approx 7.15pm) at the Perth Children's Hospital starting Monday April 29.

Group two will be given a link to a mindfulness app and asked to use this for the six-week period. All participants will be asked to complete pre-and-post online questions.

The project is funded by the Perth Children's Hospital Foundation.

For more information, contact Leanne Fried via or 0439 870 371.