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New faces

There are two new faces at the front desk at the PMH Diabetes and Endocrinology clinic so don’t forget to introduce yourself and say hi next time you visit.

There are two new faces at the front desk at the PMH Diabetes and Endocrinology clinic so don’t forget to introduce yourself and say hi next time you visit.

We asked Lia, pictured left, and Elisabeth, pictured right, a few questions to help to get to know them better:

Name: Lia

Job title: Outpatient Clinic Officer

Job role: My job involves a variety of administration tasks to ensure all        Diabetes and Endocrinology patients        have appointments and all clinics run smoothly.

Best part of the job: I love working in a big environment and being able to mingle with a variety of health professionals. I also enjoy working around young children as they love coming up to the desk to chat to me, which always makes me smile.

Favourite food: Pasta

Favourite TV show: I don’t have one but I love comedy.

Coffee or tea? COFFEE!

Name: Elisabeth

Job title: Secretary

What your duties include: I create and manage the patient appointments and also manage the patient charts for both PMH and regional appointments.

Best part of the job? I thoroughly enjoy learning about how diabetes affects the human body both mentally and physically. I am studying to be a nurse so anything to do with how a certain disease or hormone deficiency affects the body interests me.  I also love my job because it allows me to help so many people. This always puts a smile on my face.  

Favourite food? Guacamole

Favourite TV show? Gilmore Girls or Friends.

Coffee or tea? Coffee, quadruple shot!