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New study: Mobile Food Record in T1D

We are looking for people aged between 9 and 18 years with type 1 diabetes to participate in a mobile food study. You will be asked to take images of what you eat over a consecutive four-day period using the Mobile Food Record App. There will be no dietary restrictions in place during this period.


Monitoring Food Intake - StepsMonitoring your food intake is important for people living with type 1 diabetes.

Food records allow dietitians to better tailor their advice to patients. Traditional food records, such as written food records, are often time consuming and difficult for people with low literacy. Using technology allows users to take images of what they consume, which can be automatically uploaded and viewed by a dietitian.

This study is looking to see if patients using the non-publicly available Mobile Food Record App is a feasible alternative to other types of records and if children and adolescents can capture images without the help of others.

Who can participate?

We are looking for:

  • people aged 9 – 18 years
  • who have had Type 1 Diabetes for more than 12 months
  • using a continuous glucose monitor >75% of the time

What does participation involve?

You will be asked to take before and after eating images of what you eat over a consecutive four-day period using the Mobile Food Record App. There will be no dietary restrictions in place during this period, but you will be asked to wear your continuous glucose monitor. There is no need for you to visit the Perth Children’s Hospital as everything will be explained over the phone and provided via email. You will be emailed two questionnaires before the 4-day food record and one after you finished. Then you will be provided with the average daily number of food group serves estimated by a dietitian. You can speak to a member of the research team if you have any questions or concerns.

How can I find out more?

For more informtaion Parent information sheet and Participant information sheet

If you have any questions or would like to participate, please email or call (08) 6456 5882 to talk to a member of the research team.