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Would you like to test our new exercise app?

We have been working with young people with T1D, other researchers and app developers to create a new smartphone exercise app called acT1ve.


We know from talking to young people with type 1 diabetes that it is challenging to manage blood glucose levels during physical activity.

The current exercise guidelines available vary and are challenging to follow.

We have been working with young people with type 1 diabetes, other researchers and app developers to create a new smartphone exercise app called acT1ve.

The app asks the user questions about the activity they are going to do, and based on this information, gives insulin and carbohydrate advice for the activity. The advice is based on international exercise guidelines.

We have tested acT1ve with a small group of young people with type 1 diabetes to see what they thought about it and would now like to trial it with a larger number of young people to use at home while being active.

Who can participate?

We are looking for:

  • young people aged 12-25 years
  • who have had type 1 diabetes for more than 6 months
  • exercising regularly, or willing to start exercising
  • own an iOS (Apple) or Android phone to use the app

What does it involve?

If you take part in this study we will ask you to come to the research unit at Perth Children's Hospital for three visits. The rest of the study will be done at home. You will be in the study for 12 weeks in total.

The study is split into three parts. Part 1 is to help you get used to the study devices. These are the Dexcom sensor, and Garmin activity monitoring watch. At Visit 1 we will give you the Dexcom sensor (if you do not have one) and the activity watch for you to use during the study and teach you how to use them. We will collect some information from you and give you a record book to record information like sick days, and travel/holiday periods.

After four weeks, we will ask you to complete some questionnaires about your diabetes and exercise which can be done at home. This is the start of part 2. In part 2 we would like you to exercise at home wearing the sensor and activity watch and following your normal diabetes treatment.

Part 3 starts with a visit to PCH to fill in the same questionnaires as before and to install the acT1ve app onto your phone. For the next four weeks, when you exercise you will be asked to use the acT1ve app to manage your diabetes, while wearing the sensor and activity monitoring watch.

At the end of the four weeks you will come for your last visit to fill in the same questionnaires as before as well as one new questionnaire to find out what you thought about the app. We will also ask some people to complete an interview to find out in more detail what you thought of the app and your experience in taking part in the study.

How can I find out more?

Participant information sheet

Email or call 6456 4610 to talk to a member of the research team.