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Zandyn's story

Having diabetes is hard and that's why our researchers are working tirelessly to develop more effective therapies to improve the lives of those living with T1D

Having diabetes is hard and that's why researchers at Children's Diabetes Centre are working tirelessly to develop more effective therapies to improve the lives of children living with Type 1 Diabetes.

One child who is having a challenging time dealing with diabetes at the moment is Zandyn, from Wickepin in the Wheatbelt. The eight-year-old has good and bad days, just like anyone managing the disease, and longs for the day when he may be cured. 

We know many children with diabetes will identify with Zandyn’s story as we know it's not always easy living with the condition. 

In his own words ….

Age when diagnosed? 6

Bit about you? I love sport, athletics and I like maths. I am fit and I eat healthy food. I play outside every day and I am only inside if I am sick. I have been only a little sick over the past year.

How do you find managing T1D? I hate having diabetes. I hate everything about it. I hate pinpricks, needles and CGM insertion. Since being diagnosed with diabetes, my life has changed. It effects playing with my friends, it interrupts my learning and my playtime at breaks at school. I don't like not running when it’s break time. I wish I didn't have it.

Are you on CGM? I am on CGM but I don't like it as mum said there would be less pinpricks but if I am low or high, I have to still check by pinpricking. The alarms don't wake me but they wake mum and she then wakes me. I am tired for school then and she gets grumpy when tired and so do I. The alarms in class are embarrassing as everyone looks at me.

Hopes for the future? I want to cure diabetes and I would do anything to get rid of it. I don't want to wait 20 years to get rid of it. I want a normal life again. When I am 28 and an adult I hope there is a cure.

Do you feel like your family and friends understand? My family and friends understand but only some of them as some kids don’t want to be my friend now since I have to stop in the middle of games sometimes.

What message would you say to someone just diagnosed with T1D? I would tell them it is annoying doing your pinpricks and needles and it interrupts playing with your friends.