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Our research focuses on what are the best ways for patients with type 1 diabetes to exercise safely.

Regular physical activity is recommended for people with type 1 diabetes because the health benefits of an active lifestyle play an important role in their treatment.

Unfortunately, exercise also increases the risk of hypoglycaemia for people who are dependent on insulin. Consequently, people with diabetes are often reluctant to engage in regular exercise.

Our research, in collaboration with the School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health at the University of Western Australia, focuses on what are the best ways for patients with type 1 diabetes to exercise safely. Our aims are to develop clinical guidelines, provide better advice for patients and educate patients on how to prevent hypos during and after exercise.

So far we have made some novel discoveries in the field of exercise and diabetes. We have shown that performing a short sprint before or after moderate-intensity exercise is useful for preventing or delaying hypoglycaemia caused due to exercise and that incorporating short sprints during moderate-intensity exercise decreases the risk of hypoglycaemia. 

Our studies have also shown that the relationship between exercise intensity and carbohydrate requirements is not linear and the amount of carbohydrate required at basal insulin levels may be less than current recommendations, since there are many factors which affect blood glucose levels during exercise.

We are now undertaking separate studies to investigate the different factors which affect blood glucose levels during exercise. We are also performing a series of in-clinic and outpatient studies to address key gaps in current exercise guidelines.

For tips on how to manage diabetes and exercise safely, click here.

Find out more about our exercise research team and what they are working on here.

Current studies


To develop and pilot a program aimed at improving mental health outcomes in this population. We are looking for adolescents with type 1 diabetes to help us design a program that will encourage engagement in physical activity, regardless of how engaged they currently are.

For more information or to participate, click here


Managing type 1 diabetes with exercise in high-level athletes

To describe the strategies used by competitive athletes with T1D to successfully manage their condition during sport and exercise.

Researchers from Curtin University and the Children’s Diabetes Centre at The Kids Research Institute Australia would like to talk to athletes with T1D to explore their strategies for managing blood glucose levels during exercise.

For more information or to participate, click here


Exercise app - acT1ve

The app asks the user questions about the activity they are going to do, and based on this information, gives insulin and carbohydrate advice for the activity. The advice is based on international exercise guidelines.

For more information, click here and here



Exercise for improving hypoglycaemia awareness

We want to see if introducing a home-based program of exercise (either continuous low-intensity, or intermittent high-intensity cycling, three times per week) is practical, can improve hypoglycaemia awareness, time spent in target range (3.9 to 10 mmol/L) and reduce hypoglycaemia in individuals with T1D who have impaired hypo awareness.

For more information or to participate, click here


Analysing data


Exercise intervention study - Part one

To develop and pilot an exercise intervention aimed at improving mental health outcomes in this population. The intervention is designed to increase physical activity engagement to improve psychological and physiological outcomes.


Analysing data

Physical activity assessment questionnaire for youth with T1D

The Diabetes Research Team of the Department of Endocrinology is looking at identifying a questionnaire that we can use in clinic to measure and understand the types of physical activity, young people with type 1 diabetes, are involved in.

For more information or to participate, click here


Analysing data

Sports coaches resources

To develop a set of type 1 diabetes specific educational resources for sports coaches with the help of our type 1 diabetes community.

For more information or to participate, click here


Analysing data


Testing how much protein is needed to prevent overnight hypos which can happen after exercise

To investigate how much protein is necessary to prevent overnight hypos without causing high blood glucose levels. This is an important study for two reasons: (1) it would be ideal if we can prevent hypos without causing high blood glucose levels, (2) taking protein after exercise is useful for both muscle building and post-exercise muscle repair.

For more information, click here


Analysing results