News & Events
Tips for a good clinic visitThe Diabetes Service at Perth Children’s Hospital cares for approximately 1000 children with diabetes. Read these tips to ensure you have a good visit.
News & Events
Ten Day Continuous Glucose Monitoring study – now recruitingThe Children’s Diabetes Centre is now recruiting for a new continuous glucose monitoring study.
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Camp volunteers neededDiabetes WA is looking for volunteers to take part in the PMH and Diabetes WA Camp for 9 and 10 year olds in Hillarys in September.
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Farewell TariniAfter nearly two-and-a-half years in sunny Perth, Dr Tarini Chetty is headed back home to Scotland. Before she departs our shores.
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ENDIA milestoneThe ENDIA study — Australia’s largest study into the causes of Type 1 Diabetes— reached a significant milestone when it recruited its 700th patient in Perth.
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People living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) can participate in all forms of physical activity, but it can sometimes be a little more challenging.
Our goal is to accelerate the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based models of care for children and young people living with Type 1 Diabetes.
News & Events
Handing over the reins: letting teens take charge"This system definitely helped with my diabetes management, especially overnight, and helped to keep my blood sugars as stable as possible which was fantastic,"
Contributions of digital technologies for resilience capacity in a type 1 diabetes transition clinic: A qualitative studyA type 1 diabetes (T1D) transition clinic in Sydney, Australia, provides age specific care for young adults (aged 16-25 years) and for adults (aged 21 years and above), and has reported improved clinical outcomes post transition to adult care over a 21-year period. This study investigated the contribution of digital technology to long-term resilient capacity of the clinic.